Tires and Alignment Service in St. Charles, MO | St. Charles, MO Wheels and Alignment

Tires & Alignment

Auto Service in St.Charles, MO

Need Tires? No problem, we have them! The 5 Star Auto Service department located in St. Charles, MO provides affordable prices on the biggest name tire brands.  Our qualified service technicians can help you decide what tire is best for your vehicle based on conditions, vehicle type, and manufacturer recommendations.   If we don’t have the tires you need in stock, we will order them and install them right away. Our shop utilizes only state-of-the-art equipment to mount your new tires to your manufacturer’s specifications to ensure safety standards are met.

In addition to tire sales and installation, our certified service and repair center also offers vehicle alignment services.  Alignment is a key regular maintenance service in order to get the most performance and longevity in your tires.  Our qualified service shop can complete your vehicle alignment properly and get you back on the road in no time. If you are looking for a local shop to install your vehicle tires in St. Charles, MO or complete your next alignment, visit 5 Star Auto Plaza for friendly and affordable service, or call (636)940-1950 to schedule an appointment.

