Shop for Used Cars in Wentzville

Now that you have decided to buy one of the numerous reliable
used cars in Wentzville
, it is time to go to the dealership. It helps to keep some tips in mind as you shop:
Budget. If you will be financing, your monthly car note should be no more than 20% of your take-home income. Many dealers are pleased to offer
auto financing with any credit
Save money where you can. Do not limit your choices to a single vehicle. Being willing to consider other makes and models can save you hundreds of dollars.
Compare prices. Before visiting the dealership, look online for the cars that interest you and their prices at competing dealers.
When you locate a car or 2 that are good possibilities, check their vehicle history reports to learn of maintenance conducted, recalls that have been (or haven’t been) addressed and crash data. You can access this information with each vehicle’s VIN or vehicle identification number.
Take a test drive. This not only is an excellent way to determine whether you are a “good fit” for a particular vehicle but is also necessary to assess the car’s condition. Evaluate comfort, amount of room for passengers and gear, dash lights, smells, tires, brakes, cleanliness inside and out (including under the hood), A/C and heater and all exterior lights.
Inspection. Have your own mechanic evaluate the vehicle. This additional cost could potentially save you thousands if there is an underlying issue with the auto.
Negotiate. If you have done your homework, discussing price should be simple and straightforward.
Complete all paperwork. Know in advance whether you plan to purchase additional warranties or other amenities. Do not be pressured into buying them.
Shop for dependable
used cars in Wentzville
at 5 Star Auto Plaza. Call us at (636)940-7600.
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