Auto Loans With Medical Debt in St. Charles

Auto Loans With Medical Debt in St. Charles

No Down Payment Auto Loan With Poor Credit in St. Charles

Having unpaid medical bills may not seem as detrimental to a credit rating as foreclosure or repossession, but a lot of unpaid bills can add up and negatively affect anyone’s credit score. It is a myth that hospital and doctor bills do not affect credit; they can, and do, for up to seven years, just like other defaults. This can make securing auto loans with medical debt in St. Charles tough, if not near impossible.

Here at 5 Star Auto Plaza we are committed to getting everyone approved for an auto loan, regardless of their credit history.

In addition to medical debt, we accept clients with a whole host of credit issues, such as foreclosure, bankruptcy, and even car repossession. If a client has a mixture of medical debt and other defaults, it can be quite concerning, but we can work with nearly any situation.

Just fill out our simple and easy credit application to receive results in less than five minutes.

Part of why we have this ability is because we are a Buy Here Pay Here dealership. This means that we have effectively cut out the middleman, such as large financial companies, and handle business ourselves. Unlike large companies that merely look at a credit score and issue denial, our face-to-face interviews give quite the personal touch. Any of our dedicated salespeople can guide potential buyers through the process.

We encourage clients to visit our showroom location on West Clay Street in St. Charles, or to give one of our experienced and friendly staff members a call at (636)940-7600. Here at 5 Star Auto Plaza, we don’t want auto loans with medical debt in St. Charles to be a hassle for anyone. We want to build clients for life.
