Auto Loans With Defaulted Credit in St. Peters
Credit cards and loans can be a wonderful thing, especially to jump start credit history for folks that have none. However, using credit cards and other loans can sometimes become too easy, especially when times are tough. All of a sudden, good people are faced with tough financial times, and are left with a mountain of credit card debt. For many, the payments simply fall into default. Here at 5 Star Auto Plaza, we believe that everyone deserves a second chance, so we offer auto loans with defaulted credit in St. Peters to our clients. Sometimes bad things or bad times simply happen to good people, and we want to give everyone a second chance.
As a Buy Here Pay Here dealership, we are unique in the fact that we do not depend on any outside sources for our decision-making. Other car dealership depend on large corporations and conglomerates when it comes to loan and credit applications. These applications are sent out, and it may take days for them to return, with a denial based on credit score alone. Here at 5 Star, we sit down with every client individually and form a game plan. By adding that person touch, we cut out the middleman and are able to give everyone a shot, regardless of credit history. In addition, those who fill out our credit application get results in less than five minutes’ time.
Whether someone’s credit is defaulted slightly, or there are thousands of dollars in debt, we can work with them. We invite all buyers to come down to our West Clay Street location to peruse our large inventory of vehicles. To learn more about auto loans with defaulted credit in St. Peters, stop by or call 5 Star Auto Plaza at (636)940-7600. We want to build clients for life.
These guys are the best. Dillion is the man. He came up to me on the lot told him what I was looking for and the rest is history. This is my second car I have bought from them. Exceptional service great people. Dillion my sale rep was awesome. You need to get a car from here, NO place is better. I guarantee you drive away in a better car than what you drove there with. Believe me. Thanks again 5 Star pickles are still great lol